Living The Playful Life

What is “The Playful Life”, you say? Quite simply, it is your best life. It is living the dreams on your heart.

What are your dreams?

Do you want to travel to Italy and visit Vatican City? Take a pilgrimage to Machu Picchu? Do you want to take a camping trip to the Grand Canyon? Watch your children or grandchildren compete in sports or pageants? Learn to play guitar or tap dance? Live off the land and have a full vegetable garden and chickens in your backyard? The possibilities are open and endless!

In my 30 something trips around the Sun and 16+ years in the health and fitness industry, I have learned a few things.

  1. Life is too short to not be living your dreams.

  2. Everything is more fun when it’s Playful.

  3. We have one body, and it has to last us our entire lives…. it’s absolutely crucial to train your body to do the things you desire to do in your heart!

My entire mission as The Playful Trainer is to help you live your best, most playful life! I do this by educating children and adults on the importance of:

  • healthy lifestyle choices

  • daily movement

  • a playful mindset

Come with me, if you dare, on this journey to better health, better relationships, and a better life.


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