5 Tips to Kick Bad Habits in Quarantine

#5 – “Announce Your Goal” aloud and to another human 

I’m a firm believer in setting goals. And for me, when I set a goal, I know without a doubt in my mind, that telling a friend or even just stating that goal aloud really brings it to life. It makes it official and makes me feel extremely accountable. 

#4 – Get a Coach

You may have heard it said, if you want to get good at something “Get A Coach!” 

I’ve hired many coaches throughout my life. People who have navigated the waters of where I’m headed, people who have succeeded at the goal I am aiming for. Coaches more than anything can provide accountability, a road-map and will encourage you when it seems everyone else in the world may have walked away. 

#3 – Have a plan

I absolutely love my daily planner! I sit with my bulletproof coffee, my music and my planner in the morning. After my daily meditations, I look at the day ahead and hour by hour structure my day for success. It’s a loose plan, if I don’t get to everything on my to-do list I don’t beat myself up. However, on the days I don’t take the time to plan, I certainly end up aimlessly going through the day without getting very much done, at least productive things…

The same goes for your health and fitness goals. Having a plan of what you will eat, how you will eat, and when you will make time to move your body is absolutely crucial to your success! 

#2 – Knowledge is Power

“You don’t know what you don’t know.” And isn’t that the truth! If you are stuck in your health and fitness, in your career, in your relationships, it may be because there is key information you’ve been missing. Learning new things and opening up your mind to possibilities and new ideas can have profound effects on your life, your health, your love… as knowledge is endless so are the possibilities. 

#1 – Join a Community that keeps you Accountable

I believe this to be true: “You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” That may either make you feel really amazing, or really anxious. When you surround yourself with others who are pointed in the direction for success, you can’t help but head in that direction with them. Think about it. If you wanted to get on a plane and go to Memphis, TN, you wouldn’t get on a plane with people going to Toronto, Canada! Right?! You’d find the flight to Memphis and you would sit on a plane with other people who are also going to Memphis. Some people on that plane may have been there before and they may offer you advice on great things to see and do when you get there. Other passengers on the plane may be travelling there for the first time just like you, and that’s okay too, you can share an experience with them as well.

So I wouldn’t just tell you about all these tips and then leave you hanging without any resources to actually implement them. Right?! That’d be crazy.

If you want to discuss these tips in more detail, have any questions, or want to join an amazing group of fellow humans taking the plane ride to your desired destination, let’s hop on a call.

Click this handy link to schedule the best time that works for you. Looking forward to chatting soon!


Recovery found me at different stages of my life.


Living The Playful Life