Mondays! Are you setting yourself up for failure?

It's Monday, again... and oftentimes I feel the urge to set amazing, spectacular goals for myself for the week. 

You know I'm big on setting a goal for yourself - however, as a high-achiever, which I know you are - are you setting unreasonably high expectations for yourself for the week? 

For example, if you are sitting there on Monday morning saying to yourself "I should really eat healthier this week... I need to get my butt to the gym more this week.... yikes, I really got to bed so late every day last week.... ugh, there is so much work waiting on my desk for me this week..."

... I want  you to stop. Take a deep breath. Say something positive to yourself. And choose ONE of those areas to focus on this week. 

I know, I know, you are thinking, "but I want to do ALL the things!! I want to have ALL the progress by Friday!" 

And you are not alone - I do that to myself too, lol! But by Friday - I often forget to look back on the 1 thing I accomplished that is totally amazing and absolutely moved me further towards my goals because I get caught up on the list of 5+ things I didn't quite accomplish. Therefore, I feel like I failed, rather than won at doing that 1 thing super awesome! 



If you choose an earlier bedtime for yourself this week to focus on (by the way - if you get more sleep you might even have more energy to workout, cook healthy, read or journal, meditate etc) - but we are just focusing on the bedtime... ;-)

Step 1

Pick a bedtime (10 pm, 10:30 pm etc) - this is the time you will be in bed, lights off, whether or not you fall asleep immediately is not the point - the point is setting the time to be in bed "ready" to sleep

Step 2

Set an alarm/reminder on your phone for 30-45 minutes prior to the bedtime you've set in Step 1.  (I like daily recurring ones) This is your reminder/prompt to start your bedtime routine. (like brushing your teeth, showering, preparing tomorrow's lunch, setting out your workout clothes) Whatever you do before bed.

Note: This is not a reminder that you have 30 more minutes to watch another episode of a Netflix show.... ;-) 

Step 3

Go to bed! Whether your routine takes you the entire 30-45 minutes or not, get your butt in bed. Do not judge if it takes you an additional 30 minutes or more to fall asleep - just commit to the bed time. 

Step 4

Celebrate! Commend yourself when your head hits the pillow - and remind yourself in the morning of how amazing you are for setting that time, sticking to it and getting it accomplished. 

Step 5

Repeat! Repeat this exact process for whatever habit you pick for the entire week! 

Step 6

Celebrate again! Share you win with a friend - your coach - or your accountability community (learn more here:


What healthy habit are you committed to rockin’ this week?!


“How important is it?”


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